From feed to field: effect of dietary protein level and use of a blend of feed additives on gaseous emissions from growing-finishing pig slurry |
2025 |
Fuertes, Esperanza; Sarri, Laura; Carnicero, Rodrigo; Perez Calvo, Estefania; Caldero, Alvaro; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Cantero Martınez, Carlos; Fernandez Ortega, Jesus; de la Fuen |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of energy level and presentation form of concentrate in intensive dairy calves fattening system: Impact on growth performance and feeding behavior of Holstein and Montbeliarde breeds
| 2024 |
Rajaei Sharifabadi, Hossein; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Mora, Jesus; Costa Roure, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; de la Fuente, Gabriel; Villalba, Daniel |
Article d'investigació |
Characterization of Microbial Populations in Two Distinct Dairy Manure Management Systems: Seasonal Effect and Implications for Pollutant Gases Emissions
2024 |
Fuertes, Esperanza; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Balcells, Joaquim; Maynegre, Jordi; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Measurement of Methane and Ammonia Emissions from Compost-Bedded Pack Systems in Dairy Barns: Tilling Effect and Seasonal Variations |
2023 |
Fuertes, E.; Balcells, J.; Maynegre, J.; de la Fuente, G.; Sarri, L.; Seradj, A. R. |
Article d'investigació |
Protein turnover in pigs: A review of interacting factors |
2023 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; Seradj, A. R.; de la Fuente, G. |
Article d'investigació |
First Steps into Ruminal Microbiota Robustness |
2022 |
Costa Roura, S.; Villalba, D.; Balcells, J.; De la Fuente, G. |
Review |
Age evolution of lipid accretion rate in boars selected for lean meat and duroc barrows |
2022 |
Sarri, Laura; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; Pena, Ramona N.; Ramírez, Gustavo A.; Tor, Marc; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
The Impact of Genetics on Gut Microbiota of Growing and Fattening Pigs under Moderate N Restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, Laura; Costa Roura, Sandra; Balcells, Joaquim; Seradj, Ahmad Reza; de la Fuente, Gabriel |
Article d'investigació |
Ruminal microbiota is associated with feed-efficiency phenotype of fattening bulls fed high-concentrate diets |
2021 |
S. Costa-Roura; D. Villalba; M. Blanco; I. Casasús; J. Balcells; A. R. Seradj |
Article d'investigació |
Coeficiente Nitrógeno/Fósforo y pérdidas de N |
2021 |
Esperanza Fuertes; Jordi Maynegre; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente; Joaquim Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Evolution of viscera and muscle fractional protein synthesis rate in lean meat selected hybrids and castrated Duroc pigs fed under moderate crude protein restriction |
2021 |
Sarri, L.; Balcells, J.; De la Fuente, G.; Tor, M.; Gómez Arrue, J.; Seradj, A.R. |
Article d'investigació |
Annual Nitrogen Balance from Dairy Barns, Comparison between Cubicle and Compost-Bedded Pack Housing Systems in the Northeast of Spain |
2021 |
Fuertes, E.; Seradj, A. R.; Maynegre, J.; Villalba, D.; de la Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Applications of mass spectrometry for the determination of the microbial crude protein synthesis in ruminants |
2020 |
Lizbeth E. Robles Jimenez; Ivan Mendez Martinez ; Joaquim Balcells; Manuel González Ronquillo |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Effects of protein restriction on performance, ruminal fermentation and microbial community in Holstein bulls fed high-concentrate diets |
2020 |
Sandra Costa-Roura; Joaquim Balcells; Gabriel de la Fuente; Jesús Mora-Gila, Núria Llanes; Daniel Villalba |
Article d'investigació |
Study of nitrogen fluxes across conventional solid floor cubicle and compost-bedded pack housing systems in dairy cattle barns located in the Mediterranean area: Effects of seasonal variation |
2020 |
J. Balcells; E. Fuertes; A. R. Seradj; J. Maynegre; D. Villalba; G. de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
Nutrient utilization efficiency, ruminal fermentation and microbial community in Holstein bulls fed concentrate-based diets with different forage source |
2020 |
Sandra Costa-Roura; Joaquim Balcells; Gabriel de la Fuente; Jesús Mora-Gil; Núria Llanes; Daniel Villalba |
Article d'investigació |
The Impact of Producing Type and Dietary Crude Protein on Animal Performances and Microbiota Together with Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Growing Pigs |
2020 |
Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquim Balcells; Laura Sarri; Lorenzo Fraile; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article d'investigació |
Balance de nitrógeno en dos sistemas de alojamiento en vacas lecheras cubículos vs cama compostante |
2020 |
Joaquim Balcells; Esperanza Fuertes; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Jordi Maynegre; Daniel Villalba; Gabriel de la Fuente |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Methanogenesis in animals with foregut and hindgut fermentation: A review |
2019 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; David Yañez-Ruiz; Ahmad Seradj; Joaquim Balcells Teres; Alejandro Belanche |
Review |
In vitro and in situ degradation characteristics and rumen fermentation products of Moringa oleifera harvested at three different ages |
2019 |
Seradj, A.R.; Morazán, H.; Fondevila, M.; Liang, J.B.; De La Fuente, G.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
The impact of reducing dietary crude protein and increasing total dietary fiber on hindgut fermentation, the methanogen community and gas emission in growing pigs |
2018 |
Seradj AR; Balcells J ; Morazan H; Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Babot D and De la Fuente G |
Article d'investigació |
Un paso adelante en la alimentación de precisión |
2018 |
Gabriel de la Fuente; Ahmad Reza Seradj; Joaquín Balcells |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Nutritional strategies to cope with reduced litter weight gain and total tract digestibility in lactating sows |
2017 |
Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Mir L; Seradj AR; Morazán H; Balcells J; Babot D |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of the citrus flavonoid extract Bioflavex® or its pure components on rumen fermentation of intensively reared beef steers |
2016 |
Seradj, A. R.; Gimeno, A.; Fondevila, M.; Crespo, J.; Armengol, R.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
A comparison of processed sorghum grain using different digestion techniques |
2016 |
U. A. González , L. Corona, F Castrejon-Pinedac, J. Balcells, O. Castelan, M. Gonzalez-Ronquillo a |
Article d'investigació |
Trade-offs among growth performance, nutrient digestionand carcass traits when feeding low protein and/or highneutral-detergent fiber diets to growing-finishing pigs |
2015 |
Morazán, H.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, J.; Seradj, A.R.; Balcells, J.; Babot, D. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of Slurry Dilution, Structural Carbohydrates, and Exogenous Archaea Supply on In Vitro Anaerobe Fermentation and Methanogens Population of Swine Slurry |
2015 |
Morazán, H.; Seradj, A. R.; Alvarez-Rodriguez, J.; Abecia, L.; Babot, D.; Yañez-Ruiz, D.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of crude protein level in the concentrate and time allotment on pasture on milk yield, urinary nitrogen, and purine derivative excretion in lactating Latxa ewes |
2015 |
Fernández, R.; Seradj, A. R.; Oregi, L. M.; García-Rodríguez, A.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Extrusion of shorgum starch enhances ruminal and intestinal digestibility, rumen microbial yield and growth in lambs fed high-concentrate diets |
2014 |
Yahaghi M, Liang JB, Balcells J, Valizadeh R, Jahromi M F, Alimon R, Ho YW. |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of Bioflavex® and its pure flavonoid components on in vitro fermentation parameters and methane production in rumen fluid from steers given high concentrate diets |
2014 |
Seradj, A. R.; Abecia, L.; Crespo, J.; Villalba, D.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
El purín porcino: ¿un recurso agronómico o un residuo medioambiental? |
2013 |
Álvarez-Rodríguez J, Forcada F, Guillén R, Balcells J, Babot D. |
Article en revista divulgativa |
Effect of substituting barley with sorghum on starch digestion, rumen microbial yield and growth in Iranian Baluchi lambs fed high concentrate diets |
2013 |
Yahaghi, M.; Liang, J.B.; Balcells, J.; Valizadeh, R.; Seradj, A.R.; Alimone, R.; Ho, Y.W. |
Article d'investigació |
The influence of drinker device on water use and fertiliser value of slurry from growing-finishing pigs |
2013 |
Alvarez-Rodriguez J; Hermida B; Parera P; Morazán H; Balcells J; Babot D |
Article d'investigació |
Modelling urinary purine derivatives excretion as a tool to estimate microbial rumen outflow in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) |
2012 |
Orellana-Boero, P.; Seradj, A. R.; Fondevila, M.; Nolan, J.; Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of an extract of plant flavonoids (Bioflavex) on rumen fermentation and performance in heifers fed high-concentrate diets |
2012 |
Balcells, J.; Aris, A.; Serrano, A.; Seradj, A. R.; Crespo, J.; Devant, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of carbohydrate source on microbial nitrogen recycling in growing rabbits |
2012 |
Belenguer A, Abecia L, Belanche A, Milne E, Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of replacing barley with corn or sorghum grain on rumen fermentation characteristics and performance of Iranian Baluchi lambs fed high concentrate rations |
2012 |
Yahagui M, Liang JB, Balcells J, Valizadeh R, Alimon AR, Ho YW. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of diet and absence of protozoa on the rumen microbial community and on the representativeness of bacterial fractions used in the determination of microbial protein synthesis |
2012 |
A. Belanche; G. de la Fuente; E. Pinloche; C. J. Newbold; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Farm technological innovations on swine manure in Southern Europe |
2011 |
Babot D, Hermida B, Balcells J, Calvet S, Álvarez-Rodríguez J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of Type Roughage and Level of Barley Suplementation on Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation and Microbial-N Yield. |
2011 |
A. Belanche. G.; De la Fuente J. A.; Guada ; J. Balcells (2011) |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
XV Jornadas sobre producción Animal (Vol. 2) |
2011 |
A.Sanz; I Casasús; Joy , J. ;Álvarez , J.; Calvo, B; Panea, P ; Múñoz , J; Balcells |
Editor llibre d'investigació |
XV Jornadas sobre producción Animal (Vol. 1) |
2011 |
A.Sanz; I Casasús; Joy , J. ;Álvarez , J.; Calvo, B; Panea, P ; Múñoz , J; Balcells |
Editor llibre d'investigació |
Effect of levels of insoluble and soluble fibre in diets for growing rabbits on faecal digestibility, nitrogen recycling and in vitro fermentation |
2011 |
Rodriguez-Romero N, Abecia L, Fondevilla M, Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Study of the effect of presence or absence of protozoa on rumen fermentation and microbial protein contribution to the chyme |
2011 |
A. Belanche; L. Abecia; G. Holtrop; J. A. Guada; C. Castrillo; G. de la Fuente; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of litter size and bacitracin administration on tissue protein synthesis of lactating rabbit does |
2011 |
Abecia L, Lobley GE, Belenguer A, Fondevila MN, McEwan R, Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
The persistence of microbial-specific DNA sequences through gastric digestion in lambs and its potential use as microbial markers Journal Animal Science 89, 2812-2816 |
2011 |
Belanche A; de la Fuente G; Yáñez-Ruiz D.R ; Newbold C.J.; Calleja L. ; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Methanogenesis in rabbit caecum affected by the fermentation patterns: in vitro and In vivo measurements |
2011 |
Belenguer, A.; Fondevila, M. ; Balcells, J. ; Abecia, L.; Lachica, M.; Carro, MD. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of type roughage and level of barley supplementation on digestibility, rumen fermentation and microbial-N yield |
2011 |
Belanche A.; de la Fuente G.; Guada J.A.; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Technical note: The persistence of microbial-specific DNA sequences through gastric digestion in lambs and their potential use as microbial markers |
2011 |
A. Belanche; G. de la Fuente; D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz; C. J. Newbold; L. Calleja; J. Balcells |
Article d'investigació |
Study of the effect of the presence or absence of protozoa on rumen fermentation characteristics and microbial contribution to the chyme. |
2011 |
Belanche A.;Abecia, L ;Holtrop, G.;Guada J.A.;Castrillo, C; de la Fuente G ; Balcells J |
Article d'investigació |
Description of development of rumen ecosystem by PCR assay in milk-fed, weaned and finished lambs in an intensive fattening system |
2010 |
Belanche, A; Balcells, J; de la Fuente, G; Yañez-Ruíz, DR; Fondevila, M; Calleja, L. |
Article d'investigació |
Grau de Ciencia i Salut Animal : Apunts de Nutrició Animal |
2009 |
Balcells J. |
Publicació electrònica docent |
Grau de Ciencia i Salut Animal : Fisiologia Animal |
2009 |
Balcells J. |
Publicació electrònica docent |
XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal (Volumen 1) |
2009 |
Joy, M; Calvo, J; Calvete, C; Casasus, I; Panea, B; Sanz, A; Balcells, J. |
Editor llibre d'investigació |
XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal (Volumen 2) |
2009 |
Joy, M; Calvo, J; Calvete, C; Casasus, I; Panea, B; Sanz, A; Balcells, J. |
Editor llibre d'investigació |
Changes in milk xanthine-oxidoreductase activity through the lactation: Dairy cows and ewes. |
2009 |
Gonzalez-Ronquillo, M. Balcells, J. and Pescador-Salas, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Contribution of gut microbial lysine to liver and milk aminoacids in lactating does |
2008 |
Abecia L, Balcells J, Fondevila M, Belenguer A, Lobley GE, Holtrop G. |
Article d'investigació |
Use of quantitative real-time PCR to assess the in vitro survival of specific DNA gene sequences of rumen microbes under simulated abomasal conditions |
2008 |
Belanche A, Erroa IR, Balcells J. Calleja L |
Article d'investigació |
Alternative methodologies to estimate ingestion of caecotrophes in growing rabbits |
2008 |
Belenguer, A.; Balcells J.; Fondevila M.; Abecia L.; Solanas, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Predicting rumen microbial outflow from urinary excretion of purine derivatives in goats |
2008 |
Mota, M; Balcells, J. Ozdemir Baber, NH, Bölüktepe, S |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of medicated diets and level of feedig on caecal microbiota in lactating rabbits does. |
2007 |
Abecia L. ; Fondevila M. ; Balcells J.; Lobley, G.E .; McEwan N.R |
Article d'investigació |
Renal and salivary Excretions of Plasma Purine Derivatives in Swamp Buffaloes and Zebu Cattle. |
2007 |
Pimpa, O.; Liang, J.B. Balcells, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of antibiotics on the bacterial population of the rabbit caecum |
2007 |
Abecia, L; Fondevila M, ;Balcells J, ; Edwards J, ; Newbold C.J ; McEwan N.R |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of latating does on the development of the caecal microbial population in the pups they nurture. |
2007 |
Abecia L*.; Fondevila M. ; Balcells J.; McEwan N.R |
Article d'investigació |
Validation of use of purine bases as microbial marker by 15N labelling in growing lambs given high-concentrate diets: effect of grain processing, animal age and digesta sampling site. |
2005 |
Askar, A.R.; Guada, ; Balcells J.; De Vega, A; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Protein recycling in growing rabbits: contribution of microbial lysine to aminoacid metabolism |
2005 |
Belenguer, A; Balcells J., Guada, J.A., Decoux, M; Milne, E. |
Article d'investigació |
In situ ruminal degradability and intestinaldigestion of raw and extruded legume seeds and soya bean meal protein |
2005 |
Solanas, E.; Castrillo, C.; Balcells, J.: Guada, J.A. |
Article d'investigació |
Molecular profiling of bacterial species in the rabbit caecum. |
2005 |
Abecia, L.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J.; Edwards, J.E.; Newbold, C.J.; McEwan, N.R. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of therapeutic doses of antibiotics in the diets on the digestibility and caecal fermentation in growing rabbits. |
2005 |
Abecia, L.; Balcells, J.; Fondevila, M.; Belenguer, A.; Calleja, L. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary excretion of purine derivatives in Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbred cattle Effect of physiological Status on endogenous excretion of purine derivatives in cattle. |
2005 |
Ojeda, A.; De Parra, O.; Balcells, J.; Belenguer, A. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of fumaric acid on diet digestibility and caecal environment of growing rabbits |
2005 |
Abecia, L.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J.; Belenguer, A. |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial contribution to duodenal purine flow in fattenig cattle given concentrate diets, estimated by purine N labelling (15N) of different microbial fraction. |
2004 |
Vicente, F.; Guada, J.A.; Surra, J.C.E.; Balcells J.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary Excretion of purine derivatives as an index of microbial protein synthesis in Camel (Camellus dromedarius) |
2004 |
Guerouali, A.; El Gass, Y.; Balcells, J.; A. Belenguer. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of substitution of barley with citrus pulp on diet digestibility and intake and production of lactating ewes offered mixed diets based on ammonia treated straw. |
2004 |
Castrillo, C.; Barrios-Urdaneta A.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J.;Guada, J.A. |
Article d'investigació |
A Comparision of Purine Derivatives Excretion with Conventional Methods as Indices of Microbial Yield in Dairy Cows. |
2004 |
Gonzalez-Ronquillo,; M, Balcells, J.; Belenguer, ;A, Castrillo, C.; Mota, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary purine derivative excretionin swamp buffalos after duodenal purine infusion. |
2003 |
Pimpa, O.; Liang, J.B.; Balcells, J.; Jelan, Z.A.; Abdullah, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Purine Derivatives Excretion in Dairy Cows: Endogenous Excretion and the Effect of Exogenous Nucleic Acid Supply. |
2003 |
Gonzalez-Ronquillo, M.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J.A.; Vicente, F. |
Article d'investigació |
Caecotrophes intake in growing rabbits estimated either from urinary excretion of purine derivatives or from direct measurement using animals provided with a neck collar: effect of type and level of d |
2002 |
Belenguer, A.; Balcells, J.; Fondevila M.; Torre, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary excretion of purine derivates and prediction of rumen microbial outflow in goats. |
2002 |
Belenguer, A.;Yañez, D.; Balcells,J.; Ozdemir Baber, H.;Gonzalez- Ronquillo, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Gas production from straw incubated in vitro with different levels of purified carbohydrates. |
2002 |
Fondevila, M.; Barrios-Urdaneta, A.; Balcells, J.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Excretion of purine derivatives in cows: endogenous contribution and recovery of exogenous purine bases. |
2001 |
Orellana-Boero, P. ; Balcells, J.; Liang, J.B.; Guada, J.A. |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial nitrogen production in growing heifers: direct measurements of duodenal flow of purine bases versus urinary excretion of purine derivatives as estimation procedure. |
2000 |
Martín-Orue, S.M.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J.A.; Fondevila, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Influence of dietary rumen-degradable protein supply on rumen characteristics and carbohydrate fermentation in beef cattle offered high-grain diets. |
2000 |
Martín-Orue, S.M.; Balcells, J.; Vicente, F.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
In vitro microbial digestion of straw cell wall polysaccharides in response to supplementation with different sources of carbohydrates. ure |
2000 |
Barrios Urdaneta, A.; Fondevila, M.; Balcells, J.; Dapoza, C.; Catrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial nitrogen production in growing heifers: direct measurements of duodenal flow of purine bases versus urinary excretion of purine derivatives as estimation procedure |
2000 |
Martín-Orue, S.M.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J.A.; Fondevila, M. |
Article d'investigació |
On the variation of urinary excretion of creatinine and purine derivatives in pregnant and lactating ewes given diets with different protein contents. |
1999 |
Dapoza, C.; Castrillo, C.;Balcells J.; Martin-Orue S.M.; Guada, J. A. |
Article d'investigació |
Type of supplement on purine bases of rumen bacteria associated with the liquid phase. |
1999 |
Ojeda, A.; La Roca, O.; Balcells, J.; Uzcategui, W.; Vicente, F. |
Article d'investigació |
Composition of liquid - and particle - associated bacteria and their contribution to the rumen outflow |
1998 |
Perez, J. F.; Balcells J.; Fondevila, M.; J. A, Guada |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary excretion of purine derivatives as an index of microbial-N intake in growing rabbits. 79, 373-380. 1998 |
1998 |
Balcells, J.;Ganuza, J. M.; Perez, J. F.; Martin-orue S.M.; Gonzalez Ronquillo |
Article d'investigació |
Quantification and chemical composition of mixed bacteria harvested from solid fractions of rumen digesta: effect of detachment procedure. |
1998 |
Martin-Orue, S.M.; Balcells J.; Zakraoui, F.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Contribution of dietary N and purine bases to the duodenal digesta: comparision between duodenal and polyester bag measurements. 65,237-245.1997 |
1997 |
Perez, J. F.; Balcells, J.;Guada, J. A.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Rumen microbial production estimated either from urinary purine derivative excretion or from direct measurements of 15N and purine bases as microbial markers: effect of protein source and rumen bacter |
1997 |
Perez J. F.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J. A.; C. Castrillo |
Article d'investigació |
Excretion of endogenous and exogenous purine derivatives in sheep: effect of increased concentrate intake. |
1997 |
Perez, J. F.; Balcells, J.; Cebrian; J. A.;. Martín-Orue, S.M. |
Article d'investigació |
Renal and salivary clearance of purine derivatives in sheep. Animal Science. 65,83-91. 1997 |
1997 |
Surra, J. C.; Guada, J. A.; Balcells J.; Castrillo; C. |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of post-ruminal fermentation on faecal and urinary excretion of purines. 65,383-390. 1997 |
1997 |
Surra, J. C.; Guada, J. A.; Balcells J.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Purine derivatives excretion in lactating ewes fed straw diets with different levels of fish meal. |
1996 |
Marín-Orue, S.M.; Dapoza, C.; Balcells, J.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Contribution of ditary purine bases to duodenal digesta in sheep. In situ studies of purine degradability corrected for microbial contamination. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 62, 251-262. 1996 |
1996 |
Perez, J. F.; Rodriguez, C.; Gonzalez, J.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J. A. |
Article d'investigació |
Microbial-N flow through the duodenum of sheep estimated by urinary purine derivatives excretion. Comparision with direct measurements |
1996 |
Perez, J. F.; Balcells, J. ; Guada; J. A.; Castrillo, C. |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of intravenous glucose infusion on metabolism of Portal-Drained Viscera in sheep fed a cereal/Straw-based diet |
1995 |
Balcells, J.; Seal C. J.; Parker, D. S. |
Article d'investigació |
Endogenous purine and pyrimidine derivatives excretion in pregnants sows. |
1995 |
Martín Orue, S.; Balcells, J.; Guada, J. A.; Castrillo C. 5 |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of ammonia treatment and carbohydrate supplementation of barley straw on rumen liquid characteristics and substrate degradation by sheep |
1994 |
Fondevila, M.; Castrillo, C.; Guada J. A. ; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary excretions of purine derivatives and nitrogen in sheep given straw supplemented with different sources of carbohydrates. |
1993 |
Balcells, J.; Fondevila, M.; Guada, J. A.; Castrillo C.; Surra J. C. E. |
Article d'investigació |
Rumen digestion and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in response to urea supplementation of sodium-treated straw fed to sheep. |
1993 |
Balcells, J.;. Guada, J. A.; Castrillo, C.; Gasa J. |
Article d'investigació |
Simultaneous determination of allantoin and oxypurines in biological fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography. |
1993 |
Balcells, J.; Guada, J.A.; Peiró,; J.M. Parker, D.S. |
Article d'investigació |
Purine metabolite concentrations in portal and peripheral blood of steers, sheep and rats. |
1992 |
Balcells, J.; Parker, D. S.; Seal C.J. |
Article d'investigació |
Rumen digestion of ensiled apple pomance in sheep: effect of proportion in diet and source of nitrogen supplementation. |
1992 |
Gasa, J.; Castrillo, C.; Guada J. A.; Balcells J. |
Article d'investigació |
Nitrogen digestion in forage-fed sheep with and without intraruminal propionate infusion. |
1992 |
Seal, C. J.; Parker, D. S.; Balcells J.; Mole, J. L. |
Article d'investigació |
Influence de la fréquence de distribution et de la forme de pré d'un foin de lucerne. |
1992 |
Vega, A de.; Gasa, J.; Castrillo, C.; Balcells J.; J. A. Guada. |
Article d'investigació |
Urinary excretion of allantoin and allantoin precursors by sheep after different rates of purine infusion into the duodenum |
1991 |
Balcells, J.;Guada, J.A.; Castrillo, C.; Gasa, J. |
Article d'investigació |